The use of the self-learning method is encouraged in the program’s courses, as reports based on self-learning are identified on topics or technologies related to the course topics, to which a portion of the grades for semester work is allocated, in addition to specifying a topic in the courses for which a question is set, the grades of which depend on external information.
This is in addition to providing courses that develop self-learning skills.
Training and developing students' skills
Students are trained in field training in two stages (practical training 1 and 2), and the training takes place in one of the projects related to architecture or environmental urbanism in Egypt or abroad. The training should take place in one of the industrial facilities related to the program under the supervision of a faculty member and is provided The student submits an official report and presentation for evaluation by a specialized committee of three members, with one member being the external examiner invited from one of the industrial facilities or one of the engineering colleges to ensure benefit from the training.
The program is also concerned with general and mutual skills, which allow the student to benefit from the expertise of the lecturers and transfer their experiences to the students, especially in the applied and practical aspects from the reality of their work as consultants or from the reality of their relationships in the labor market.
The Environmental Architecture Engineering program offers a number of courses that work to develop the student’s life skills and help him achieve distinguished professional performance, such as selected life skills courses, as well as a course on presentation and communication skills. The program also offers courses such as technical reports that work to develop the student’s skills such as self-learning, presentation, and communication. .